
The Other Side of Programming: Why Is So Much More Than Coding Necessary?

  Very often you will hear the following from the developer: “I just wanted to ‘rock’ coding. How did this happen?” Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to hear this sentence and it usually comes up when a person realizes that they need something more than programming skills to succeed as a programmer, or when a programmer becomes a leader (team lead, project lead… let’s call it whatever you want). These are two different cases, however, they also have similarities because both situations require a drastic change in the mindset. Let’s look at both situations. Situation # 1: Being a Successful Programmer No matter  how good you are at programming , someone will always delegate tasks to you and you may not agree with what was delegated in all aspects, and you should communicate this effectively. Developers (usually) work in teams which implies that other people are also involved in the work and that relationships need to be set up and nurtured (not just code). There will be some bugs in the

10+ Best Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022

The process of creating software for small, wireless devices such as smartphones and other handheld devices is referred to as mobile application development. To design and learn a programming language and software development environment for mobile platforms, such as Apple iOS and Google Android, they select a mobile platform. Everyone nowadays wants to utilise mobile applications for personal gain, whether for scheduling, productivity, or enjoyment. These smartphone apps are simple, quick and focused on individual needs. What is the source of all these useful smartphone applications? They let us do everything with the touch of a few fingers. It takes just a few seconds to get up and go to work. Apps that provide location-based services are increasingly driving the app creation. For the creation of basic apps, the following frameworks are most popular: React Native React Native is a JavaScript-based app development platform that was published by Facebook in 2018. This framework is popu

Viewing Instagram as more beneficial to Business in comparison to normal users

  I personally do have both a Business profile and a Personal profile on Instagram. I am working in a Business Development field from the last 9+ years and the core reason why I like this field is one of my hobby which is to meet the new people having different skills and from whom I personally can learn something and that is the reason my personal Instagram profile I am following less than 100 people while in Business profile following more than 500 people. Using Business Profile, I can follow more talented people though I personally don’t know them. Like the above-given example, the same thing can be applied reverse means if as a business we are talented and have something unique to show our user they are surely going to follow our business. Below are the reasons why Instagram is more beneficial to Business Help business to improve sales If we compare Instagram with other social networking, then Instagram drives more sales to business in comparison to others. It purely allows to your

Here are the best Strategies To Build Your Mobile App with Small Budget.

As a Mobile App Development company, every day we come across this situation that the client is having a limited budget. So here we are providing you a list of strategies using which you can get the best output in the form of an app with a small budget. Decide in advance about the core concept of your app. Before you start searching for the best app developer you need to have clear thoughts about the concept of the app in your mind. Every app needs to have the list of core features and support features ready in advance. So if the budget concern comes in between in costing you can remove some of the support features. Also, do the ground stage research about your concept that is your concept app is already available in the market or you are having a unique concept. Select the right platform for the development Make sure you choose the right platform to develop and publish the app. For example, if you have done research and found that your app is going to be great if you launch the Androi

Ways to get user feedback on already developed Mobile App

  All feedback from your customers is valuable, but there are certain types of qualitative data that can give you more insight than others. Truly insightful feedback can help you identify when people think something is confusing, why they made a certain choice, what they value most about your product, or how they view your product against the competition. In turn, you can use this feedback to write more persuasive copy in your marketing, optimize your user experience, or prioritize new features to build. Ultimately, more useful feedback helps you make more informed business decisions. So how do you gather this type of feedback? It’s all about the questions you ask. Ask Customers the Right Questions Whether you’re sending out an email survey, gathering feedback in-app or conducting an interview, you’re going to be asking questions. But are they the right ones? Preparing your questions might seem like a simple practice, but it can be deceptively complex. Decades of user research has show

Advanced Technologies which will emerge as a ruler in 2019

     We live in an era of constant change and ideas are advancing our world faster than ever before. Some of them are here for a long time already, while others are reasonably new. Due to constant development and a broad range they affect, it becomes increasingly harder to follow everything that can transform our world, especially when some concepts are harder to grasp. Every discovery is not only a technological leap, but it also shapes the business world, people, and can lead to crucial changes in the day-to-day lives. We believe that the change is for the best, but nothing is a safe bet. So, let's check out some of the picks that will rule the day in 2019. Some may call them gimmicks, but we believe next year is their prime time to shine and bring profit. Blockchain Nothing new here. You can hardly find anyone who doesn't know this magical word, even if they have no clue how it works—and rightfully so, since to the casual audience, it still looks like a puzzle. Although nume