5 Reasons To Invest In A Professional Logo Design

5 Reasons To Invest In A Professional Logo Design

Acting as the “face” of your brand, a logo has the power to attract or deter potential new 

customers. It is so easy for start-ups and even established companies to skimp out on a 

professionally designed logo which can often lead them to need another rebrand to stay 

current after a couple of years and/or to not fade away amongst their competition. 

These five reasons explain why your logo is an investment rather than just an icon that 

"we kind of need to have to look professional."

  • First impressions matter

    It only takes 7 seconds to form a first impression based on looks. In those seven seconds, 

    This is an opportunity for your brand to stand out from the crowd and speak to 

  • its target audience. If you’re a florist, for example, having a strong graphic of a 

  • tiger and a rose as your logo will most likely deter potential clients, unless your 

  • company’s aesthetic is all about selling edgy bouquets to a target audience that 

  • like rock and roll, tattoos and alternative culture, for example.if your logo doesn’t 

  • resonate with your target audience, they will most likely look elsewhere. Considering 

  • your logo will be seen everywhere from business cards and comp slips to your website 

  • and advertising, it is essential that your logo, in support of the branding, sums up your 

  • brand and personality.

  • It’s not all about a good idea

    Based on what you’d like to achieve, a good designer will begin by researching your 

  • competition to see if they can identify trends in the industry as well as your target market 

  • whilst taking into account your company values. This is so that when it comes to 

  • designing your logo, they can ensure that it is unique and holds its own against other 

  • competition.

  • Building a trustworthy reputation

    A professional logo with branding to match will build trust and reflect your quality of 

  • business. A company consistent with its branding will look organized, professional, and 

  • memorable - their audience is always familiar with who is speaking to them. Apple and 

  • Coca-Cola are examples of companies that do this well.

  • Longevity

    An important part of a designer’s role is to ensure your logo is timeless. Yes, 

    Giving your company a face-lift every few years can lose trust with your audience as 

  • well as make your company look indecisive and unprofessional from an outsider’s 

  • perspective. A well-designed logo will prevent the company from having to rebrand 

  • every few years, hence why a professional logo is a crucial investment.

  • sometimes re-branding is an option when your business changes focus or you target 

  • a different audience, but not because the first time around your design wasn’t strong 

  • enough.

  • The right assets

    Investing in a professional logo means once the design has been signed off, you’ll 

  • get all the files you need to go off on your own. These files will include different file 

  • formats of the logo; horizontal, vertical, mono, and full-color variations and files 

  • specific for CMYK printing or web use. Having a good relationship with your 

  • designer is always handy as it can get pretty confusing but they will always be able 

  • to recommend which asset you will need for what application.


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